Saturday, January 5, 2013

Skin and Things

--- frank sexual discussion ---

In order to be the perfect submissive slut for Sir, i would need to become less conscious of - or less bothered by - public displays of nakedness, and public sexual acts. 

Right now the idea of showing too much skin in public totally wigs me out. It's just wrong. i don't want to see any one else's boobs or ass hanging out, so why should i show mine? The same logic applies even more to public sex - i definitely don't want to see it, so why should i be the one doing it? Private things should remain private. You want to hang from the chandelier in your bedroom or living room or hotel room, fine - but don't be fucking in the elevator or the hotel swimming pool. That's just nasty. 

i know that i blogged about being with Sir in a hotel not too long ago, and His wish was that i answer the door for pizza delivery wearing my lacy lavender half-bra and garter set. i was none too pleased about that, let me tell you, although in the end i did comply with Sir's wishes - even though He gave me an out, by offering to  let me wear one of His shirts. i probably scarred the poor delivery boy for life, actually. and once it was over, i did feel a sense of satisfaction, that i had fulfilled one of Sir's desires, even though it was contrary to my own sense of personal comfort. That does not mean, however, that i scampered to the door in my birthday suit from then on, throwing the door open side so that anyone in the hall could get a good look.

Sir has mentioned to me, more than once, that He'd like it if i were to suck Him in a public place, like in a move theater, perhaps. He's even mentioned that i ought to wear a skirt so i could straddle His lap and He could fuck my ass (we all know it's His property, but again, for clarity's sake, i refer to it as mine). He maintains that it's plenty dark, but i am not convinced. Again, for me, it totally crosses the line of privacy and, yes, decency. There, i've said it. It's indecent to have sex in public. Like i said previously - private things should remain private.

And part of it, i'm sure you could argue, is that i'm not an exhibitionist personality, anyway. i don't like to be the center of attention in a group. i've never been someone to wear low-cut blouses or high-cut shorts. i'm not going to let just anyone get a free show. Nope. i refuse to end up on Facebook or YouTube or whatever, and even if it isn't that drastic, i also don't want to be "that woman", you know - the one everyone laughs at or talks smack about behind her back because she's way too free with her body. i'm not a skank, or a whore, and i'm not available for any old Tom, Dick or Harry to pick up and play with. The only one who gets that part of me is Sir. i'll be His slut, but no one else's.

But i'm sure Sir really would prefer for me to be a bit more free, especially when He decides He wants me to show more skin or perhaps engage in sexual play in public. And i will endeavor to fulfill His wishes, despite my own misgivings. 



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