Friday, October 19, 2012

Back on track

--- frank sexual discussion ---

So after all the drama of this week, my Sir and i are planning a couple of days away to reinforce what i've learned through this and to help cement my new lessons..... my attitude is good, my outlook is good, and i want to make sure i keep on this path, now, as it finally feels comfortable and right.

Learning to let go of my fears, of my doubts, has been a huge challenge. Sometimes i still have concerns about how i will maintain my own sense of self on this journey. i still wonder if i'm going to be able to fully surrender my will, as a true submissive must. But now i know that missteps are not fatal, that concerns will be addressed, that even when i screw up there is reason to work through it and continue on.

Sir allowed me the privilege of a climax, a gift for my determination to work through my issues this week and to stubbornly hang on to the promise of safety and support He has given me, despite the fears that surfaced and threatened my peace of mind. And as i lay there, fingers dancing over my clit, my juices dripping from my pussy, He spoke to me, reaffirming His ownership of me, His promise of safety, His commitment to teach and to train me to serve with dignity and devotion, in a way that makes it pleasurable for us both, that gives us each what we need and desire. And when i finally was allowed to cum, it was made even sweeter by that promise. 

Will it be easy, or effortless? No. Learning and growing result in stretching of opinions, testing of boundaries, challenges to new levels of performance. But i know now that i truly do want to learn, to grow, to serve and to become. i'm grateful to my Sir for his leadership and his tutelage in my journey. 

As always, comments are welcome. Just please be respectful of other opinions expressed. Thank you.

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