Monday, December 3, 2012


--- frank sexual discussion ---

As i had mentioned in my last post, Sir and i had some time scheduled for this morning. i am pleased to report that the appointment was kept, and Sir and i have worked through a great many of the issues which were coming between us. 

i was nervous when He arrived. i knew i had displeased Him, and i was a bit wary of His reaction to it.  And He was not shy about telling me that he was not happy with me. Gulp. Still, i believe that i made it clear - respectfully, of course - that i was not trying to walk away or to deny His claim of ownership. And i feel that He heard me, really heard me. And i feel better about it. 

Once Sir decided that i was being sincere, He started our session. i was made to assume my positions - all four of them - and i had to recite my devotion, twice, for Him. i don't feel that i am stepping out of bounds when i say that i'm quite sure He did that purposefully, so that i would hear myself pledging my obedience and my devotion to Him. i had no problem with it, as i do mean it. And it makes me feel happy to know that Sir knows i mean it, as well.

Sir made use of His property, fingering it, fucking it, making sure that i well knew exactly whose property i am. There was a short lesson/example on the stimulating quality of pain - just a little, mind you - and this body responded wholeheartedly to it. Sir commented more than once about how sloppy-wet His pussy became as He played with it. Sir's fingers pressed and plunged and prodded and stroked and filled His pussy, while His voice filled my ears with His claims, His assertions, His rights of ownership. Sir's cock filled this mouth, pushing into my throat, gagging and choking me, but that was all right. And Sir's cock stretched and opened and filled His property, both pussy and ass, so that there was no denying exactly who owns it all. And when Sir was finished, i had the honor of cleaning off His cock with my tongue.

And then we talked. And no, i'm still not thrilled about certain things. However, i am more at ease with the direction Sir has laid out for us, and while i would like to have foreknowledge of what He has planned, i am trying to relax in His promise to keep me safe. i have agreed to work on the tasks He has set for me, and trust that His plan will not bring me harm. i have a lot of learning to do, i know. For me, it comes down to this - when Sir asked me, rather wryly, what He should do with me, i replied, "Keep me." 


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